Things to Look Forward to in 2021 and Beyond!

With the UK being a few weeks into another strict lockdown, each worrying news story we read can make the current situation feel overwhelming. It’s important to try and keep a positive mental attitude to get through these difficult times together, and with that being easier said than done, we think it’s more important than ever to think about the future and some of the positive things we can look forward to in 2021 and beyond. 

Things to Look Forward to in 2021 and Beyond (1).png

Meeting up with friends and family
Zoom calls have been a blessing to so many people since the first lockdown in March 2020, but nothing can compare to socialising face-to-face with our nearest and dearest. There will likely still be restrictions for some time to come, but we cannot wait to meet up in person with our friends and family and make many more happy memories when it is safe to do so.

Lighter nights and warmer weather
As much as we love the cosy winter nights, by the time January and February come around we are fully ready for Spring to bloom and the nights to get lighter. More hours of daylight and warmer temperatures mean we can spend more time outdoors and enjoy the beauty of the changing seasons as flowers begin to bloom and trees flourish with shades of green. Difficult times just seem that little bit easier when the sun is shining!

Getting back to work and school 
For many of us, routine and purpose are the things that keep us grounded and stable in daily life, and while the furlough scheme has been an amazing support to so many people unable to work during the pandemic, many have unfortunately lost their jobs. We must stay positive and hopeful for the time where the economy will thrive again, employment will improve and furlough will be a thing of the past. We will get there. 

A big shout out to all of the parents who are homeschooling, remember you’re doing your best, the kids will get back to school and into a routine in the near future. And a massive THANK YOU to all of the amazing keyworkers who have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic.

Eating out in our favourite restaurants
Hospitality has been hit hard by the pandemic and many restaurants across the country have been forced to close for much of the past year. While some people have taken up home cooking as a new lockdown hobby, many are still looking forward to treating themselves to a lovely meal in their favourite restaurant. We are so lucky in the UK to have such a diverse mix of culture and food available, and not having to do the dishes is a bonus!

Going on holiday
Many of us have enjoyed discovering the beautiful scenery right on our doorstep recently, but we cannot wait to pack a suitcase and head off for a well deserved break away from home. With travel abroad so uncertain right now, you may wish to visit some of the stunning coastal towns or cultural cities in the UK. Maybe you’ve got plans for new destinations to explore once it’s safe to do so. Whatever your next holiday looks like, spending some quality time relaxing and having fun is what we all need right now!

The first live concert or show post-lockdown
The majority of live entertainment was cancelled indefinitely back in the first lockdown and has never resumed for many venues and events. Online and virtual concerts have given us that live music fix in recent months, however, there is simply no comparison to the atmosphere and buzz of being in the crowd at a live show. Remember dancing? It’s been quite a long time, but even with our slightly embarrassing, rusty dance moves, we’ll be the first ones on the dance floor when that delightful time eventually comes. 

Planning for the future
Many things in our lives have been put on hold for almost a year, but with advancements in Covid testing and the vaccine roll-out well under way, we can finally look to the future and begin planning for all the exciting times ahead. Whether you’re getting married, planning to travel, buy a house, or starting that new hobby you’ve always wanted to get into, it may still be a while off yet, but now is the time to start thinking about your goals and dreams for the future.

Whatever you’re looking forward to when restrictions ease, one thing is certain for us all, we will appreciate our freedoms so much more than ever before. That well known phrase - we don’t truly appreciate what we have until it’s gone - has never been more relevant. So be grateful for what you have now, for your friendships and relationships, and don’t take anything for granted!

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